Monday, July 20, 2015

He's back!

Jacob is finally back in our arms! Homecoming of course did not go as I imagined! Our car wouldn't start so most of the day was spent trying to figure transportation out. Thank goodness for great friends! I didn't get to make a sign, we got there 20 min later than planned and then it started to pour! The boys were troopers! We stood in the rain for a little over an hour then we saw our daddy! Asher was so excited! Tucker could have cared less lol. He was people watching. Jacob had some work to do afterwards so I took the boys home to get them in dry clothes. We were all so excited to get jake home. It's surreal. I keep wondering if I'm just going to wake up and this has all been a dream! Tucker loves his daddy and Asher is ready to hit the golf course with daddy:) I'll try to get Jake to write his own entry later:) love you all

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

7 Months!

Hello Everyone! Once again, I am sorry about the length of time between posts! I thought having Asher away for the summer would somehow make life a little easier. I was WRONG! We have had a busy few months. Tucker and I flew to Missouri to see my wonderful inlaws. It was a great trip

      Tucker is 7 months old today. Weighing in at 19.3lbs and 29.5 in long. He is growing like a weed! He is wearing 12month clothes! He started the baby food dinners like turkey and rice, vegetable beef, and chicken and rice. He loves them! I think he's excited that its not just weird veggie/fruit combos mom makes up. He is now on a bottle. I have been mixing breast milk that I have had stored with formula but we are almost out of my storage so he will be on just formula soon. He is an active little boy, he is learning that he can move himself. He scoots himself backwards consistently and today even went forward once! Its going to be so soon! We think his teeth are finally going to make an appearance after MONTHS of drooling, chewing and discomfort. His bottom two seem to but pushing up. He jabbers away all the time. His first word was "HAHA" thanks to my baby sister. It is what he calls her and so now she will forever be known as Aunt HAHA :)

       Asher is still in Hawaii. He comes home next week! He seems to be having a great time but he says hes ready to come home. He wants to go to North Carolina so he can play golf. Definitely Jacob's son!

      Jacob is feeling the last stretch of his deployment. I've heard them say that the last month of pregnancy lasts 789 days, well the last few months of deployment last 1035 days! Those of you close to us know the general time frame of when Jake will be home. Those who don't, as soon as that ship is safely in a U.S port, I will update you! :)
      I am overwhelmed by the fact that I have two weeks until I go home and I have to get my home set back up and boys settled in and plan my reception. EEKKK! I am so glad that going home means I am that much closer to having my family back together.

We love you all!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

My boys are growing too fast!!

I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to post again. It was a hectic few weeks here. Following Mother's Day, I felt like I needed to make the most of the time that I had left with Asher. I will comment on that later. First, me, nothing really new with me. I am anxiously awaiting word on official dates that Jake will be home. I got a piercing as a weightloss goal reward the other day. Other than that, I am the boring one of our family.
Asher is now in Hawaii for the next 7 weeks with his bio dad. :( He is missing home but I am sure he will have a wonderful time as soon as he adapts. He turned 5 years old last week. We had a military theme birthday complete with a cake shaped like the USS Fort Mchenry, the ship Jake is on. I don't have the pictures from it available just yet. He got to go on a helicopter ride as a gift from us. He loved it so much, he's asking to go every year. He also graduated from Pre-K. His school had a program and it was adorable! Can't believe we have a kindergartner in our house He has been such a silly and loving boy and I miss him so much! These next 7 weeks can not go by fast enough!!
Tucker is growing like a weed. He is wearing 12 month clothes. They are slightly big on him but not too bad. He is sitting up and can pull himself to sitting if someone holds his feet. His favorite toy is a pink soft spoon. He loves to chew on it. He is a drooler and chewer but still no teeth. He now has eaten apples, bananas, nectarines, peas, carrots, plums, and green beans. In the next few days we will give him some sweet potatoes. I am still making all his baby food from fresh produce. He loves solids. He will stare you down if you are eating in front of him.

Jake is doing well. He just completed a training exercise with his company. It sounds like they did really well. As of now, It is sounding like that is the last thing they had to do. So we will see!! love to you all!

Monday, May 4, 2015

5 the lucky number!

Well everyone, it is May!! This is a crazy busy month for us!! 

Tucker is 5months old! He can sit on his own for short periods of time. He's enjoying real food:) He's developing into a little jabber box. He hates being on his belly, even though he rolls onto it all on his own. He will stare you down until you pay attention to him. His all time favorite person is his big brother still! He is weighing in at 17.8lbs and 27.5 inches! 

Asher turns 5 this month! We are planning a "marine corp ship" party! It'll be a blast! We are having water gun and balloon fights! He gets out of school on his birthday. He's really excited for all the events to come this summer like daddy jake coming home!!

I am doing well. I'm just trucking along. I've had rough days but I am surviving. 
This month marks 5months jake has been gone:( we are hoping we are in the homeward stretch! But we all know how the military can be. Last time Jake emailed me, he said he was well. He's ready to be done and home! 
Love to you all

Monday, April 27, 2015

My boys are like their dad..

Well, if there was any doubt, my boys just disproved that anyone but Jake could be their dad! They both talk themselves to sleep. The jabber until the pass out! It's so cute. Asher also likes to sing. 
Tucker is growing way too fast! He sits with little support. Rolls like crazy, even though he hates his belly. He ate apples this week and loved them!! And he absolutely loves his brother:)
Asher is still w ball of energy! He is counting down the days to his birthday !! He loves being outside and being helpful!
I am doing well. Tomorrow is jake and my anniversary and that is slightly difficult. Good thing we have a lifetime of anniversaries to make up for it. 
Jake is doing great. He's ready to be off the ship for good. We are getting close! 
Hope everyone is well! Love to you all!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Whirlwind couple of weeks

Alright! It's been a little while since I wrote! My brother Steven and his wife came to visit. Asher was on spring break. My sister Stacie moved in and my brother Skyler returned to the states after 3 long years in Japan ! So it's been pretty eventful here!
I have still been running. I'm up to almost 3.7 miles in <40 min:) I'm trying not to go crazy but I fear it may be too late! I'm excited to be able to plan returning to NC and getting our home set up befor Jake returns! We are planning our wedding reception for the beginning of August because we fear if we do not do it now, we may never find the time to do it thanks to the military.
Asher is rocking school! He now can read up to 18 different words and certain dr. Seuss books. We are working on his shoe tying. He is also learning to roller skate and loves to practice batting on his new tee! He is headed to Hawaii the day after is birthday. Mama is sad but he is very excited to doen time with his bio dad. He likes to tell people that the Easter bunny gets around using quantum mechanics and that Jesus was a zombie... Oh good ole papa and Easter!
Tucker has gone through a growth spurt, started teething and had a cold this month. It's been a rough one! He also got his shots today and he is not feeling well at all! He weighs 15lbs 6oz and is measuring at 25.1 in long. His head is in the 97th percentile while height and weight is around 50th. He loves to chew on everything And drool a gallon a minute! He is rolling both ways, giggling and talking up a storm. We started baby cereal tonigh and he wasn't so sure about it... He says mama and dada. They're just sounds at the moment but he's getting good at them. 
Jacob sent me an "update" on him so I figured I'd pass it along:) he is weighing in at 185. He's squatting 245 everyother day. He watches a lot of movies and watches multiple tv shows every week. He says he eats, yells, works out and eats some more. I hear from him on a semi regular basis at the moment which is great! We both appreciate everyone's support, love and prayers! Love you all!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The voice of an angel... Or just Jacob

Well it happened! I heard jacob's voice for the first time since New Years! I'm the happiest person alive! Jake is doing well and is keeping busy by working out and eating:) for those of you who know him, he says he doesn't have chicken legs anymore! It's really hard to picture! Both boys got to talk to him. Asher really needed that!
Speaking of Asher, he is still living. He may make it to 5. He is still having problems with listening and it's driving this mom nuts!!! I really have no idea what to do with him. Hoping it passes.
Tucker is almost 16lbs. He has been such a happy boy latelt! He's really close to "finding" his feet! He stares at them and occasionally will grab them. As I write this, I am nursing him and I'm pretty sure he just peed on me. Ok, got Tucker changed. I'm cleaned up. And he puked on me! I love being a mom! 
I ran my 5k this weekend! I finished in about 37.5 minutes. They had massive, steep hills that I thought might kill me so I'm lucky to have finished!! I also went to dinner with some of my friends from high school! It was a good weekend for this mama! 
That's about it for us!! (Feel like I need to have a sign off line like a news anchor) love you all!